1. If I know my friend telling her parents a blatant lie which is really important and can affect her life. For example, she sleeps overnight with strange people or far from her home. I will talk to her parents where she is staying and give advice to her. She should go home soon because this place is not safe for you. 

  2. I completely disagree with this opinion because when you have the first, the second time to lie you will have many times later. It will create a bad habit that you can fix in a long time. 

  3. I have been travel to petronas tower in Malaysia, Merlion park in Singapore, Indonesia, Vung Tau, Nha Trang, Da Nang beach in Viet Nam, Phong Nha cave in Viet Nam, Sai Gon city in Viet Nam,

I want to go to Germany, Eiffel, France, England, Korea, Japan, Thailand

  1. I think yes. I see in some system education developed student can grade their teacher 

  2. Yes, because when you do some physical activities outside class theory it can help you feel relaxed after stressful times in the class. Making your body stronger and less tired so that you can recover power to continue studying. 

  3. These are big problems in the education environment. The Ministry of Education and Training as well as teachers and student’s parents should have certain methods to prevent bullying and cyberbullying so that students can have the best environment to get knowledge effectively. 

  4. In my opinion, I think no. Technology makes you feel better after stressful times such as studying time, working time, etc. There are a lot of activities on social media like watching films, playing games, chatting with your friend when you do not want to hang out because of some basic reason like rainy day, sunny day, car is not available,.. ect. However, you have to use it in the right way, do not spend your full time on technology. 

  5. In some cases, I think face to face is more effective. For example, I am an international student, I can't understand the full meaning the professor gives to me so when I do not understand I have to ask immediately. Sometimes, I still do not understand when they explain again. In my opinion, I prefer to study face to face rather than study online.  

  6. I think robots are really important for our future. In modern life, robots will replace people to do a lot of hard work. In construction there should be robots to reduce accidents for humans. 

  7. I think true musicians will last for a long time. 


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