1. who is it in the pictures?
  2. what are they doing?
  3. where are they stay?
  4. when is this happening? 
  5. why are they hang out at the night? 
  6. how many people in the picture?
It's the middle night under the bright moon. Tony hang out with his friends that is a white dog and hug a yellow bear are going parallel with rail. They are waiting the last train of the day but they seem missed the last train. 

He walk step by step slowly with his suitcase. He do not feel cool because he just wear a jean and shirtless but he is feeling heartbroken. Just the moonlight followed him. He increasing scared because the night increasing dark and Tony do not where he can go. There are many star in sky with a whistle sound  make the scenery really sad. The boy looks so disappointing, he is hoping lucky thing come with him immediately. 


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